As marketing and public relations becomes more multi-layered and multi-faceted, Americans are responding accordingly: by multi-tasking. 75% of Americans use another medium while the TV is on, meaning marketers have no choice but to implement all channels simultaneously. Public relation practitioners can create buzz about a product or service before the start of a campaign or advertisement, and then use that advertisement to direct them to websites, Facebook, and Twitter for a more interactive, engaging experience.
Facebook, Twitter, youtube, and Four-Square are all accessible right out of consumers’ pockets—including my own. Everyday I use my Blackberry to check email, check out Facebook, tweet, etc. My phone is with me almost 24/7, meaning marketers can also be with me 24/7.
Although this is great for marketers, there’s a whole privacy issue to consider. Marketers can access my number and text me at anytime, and by “checking-in” to places on Facebook or Four-Square, strangers can know my exact location: frightening.
Many people have mixed views on this, but what do you think? Share your thoughts…creepy or creative?