Monday, March 28, 2011

Privacy, Please!

Although most Americans still consider TV the most influential media channel, smartphones are rapidly catching up. According to a study by ComScore, over 45.5 million people in the United States owned smartphones in 2010. The explosion of smartphones is not only affecting everyday life, but also strongly influencing the practice of public relations.

As marketing and public relations becomes more multi-layered and multi-faceted, Americans are responding accordingly: by multi-tasking. 75% of Americans use another medium while the TV is on, meaning marketers have no choice but to implement all channels simultaneously. Public relation practitioners can create buzz about a product or service before the start of a campaign or advertisement, and then use that advertisement to direct them to websites, Facebook, and Twitter for a more interactive, engaging experience.  

Facebook, Twitter, youtube, and Four-Square are all accessible right out of consumers’ pockets—including my own. Everyday I use my Blackberry to check email, check out Facebook, tweet, etc. My phone is with me almost 24/7, meaning marketers can also be with me 24/7.

Although this is great for marketers, there’s a whole privacy issue to consider. Marketers can access my number and text me at anytime, and by “checking-in” to places on Facebook or Four-Square, strangers can know my exact location: frightening.

Many people have mixed views on this, but what do you think? Share your thoughts…creepy or creative? 

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